Friday, April 15, 2011

Color Project Final Images/Critique Writeup

Okay well, I ended up going with the octopus. I also ended up regretting going with the octopus; in retrospect I think it would've been much better to have gone with the yellow dart picture, but whatever. On to the final pieces.

Piece One: Dots.

So this is a 6x6 piece on a masonite board, with a wooden frame that I kinda made (thanks to Nic for cutting the pieces up for me!). We took a bunch of paint swatches and hole punched the crap out of them, and then took those hole punch remnants and used them to make a monochrome collage.

Then there was the second piece: torn bristol paper.

This one is a lot more simple looking. It's on a 12x12 piece on masonite board, again with a handmade frame (and with props to Nic again). The method for making it was mixing paint on wax paper, and then transferring the different colors of paint I created to bristol paper. Finally, I took that bristol paper and just ripped it up, using the torn pieces to make a collage. This one's simpler, but I still think it looks nice.

Finally, there was transparent paper.

This... Is a lot simpler than the previous two. Same size as phase two, but this time, I painted tracing paper and layered it for its transparent quality. ... Well, that was the idea anyway, it didn't turn out to be particularly transparent, though. I still kind of like it, though. I like the vibrant warm colors.

As for my crit, I picked the dot piece as my strongest, just because it's so much more detailed, and I think it would stand on its own the best. Conversely, I picked the third phase as my weakest, because I don't think it can stand very well on its own. Well, that was my opinion anyway, but the group seemed to like it more than the others. It was described as being "primitive", which was then defined as "done in a way that is intentionally childlike and does that successfully". Which I guess I can agree with. I told everyone that I'd give myself either a C+ or a B-, and I dunno if the atmosphere was just oppressive or what, but nobody really wanted to talk much. I feel like they were leaning toward the C (well, Nic said so, anyway). I was saying that I liked the way that they were displayed kind of showed them in a process of being simplified, but they didn't really seem to buy that or agree with it. Generally, everyone liked the third piece the most, I think. They had a bit of fun getting different interpretations from it.

Here's a picture of how I had them displayed.

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